Athlete Application
Apply to become a SOSC athlete
We are so thrilled in your interest to become a Special Olympics athlete! To get started, follow the steps below.

Online Application
Click the "Start Application" button below to begin the online form. The application must be signed by an adult athlete or his/her parent/guardian (for a minor).
Code of Conduct & Participation Waivers
Once the application is complete, there are 2 additional waivers that must be signed. The Code of Conduct waiver can be signed by an adult athlete or his/her parent/guardian (for a minor).
Medical Form
To become eligible for Special Olympics training, competition, and programming, athletes must submit a Medical Form completed and signed by a licensed medical examiner. Read below for further details.
Supplemental Waivers
Some athletes may require additional paperwork for competition clearance. If neither circumstance outlined in STEP FOUR below applies to the athlete, this step may be skipped.
step three
Medical Form
- Once you submit the online application, a link to the Medical Form will be emailed to you.
- The Medical Form requires a physical examination by a licensed medical examiner (not a nurse or EMT).
- The Special Olympics Southern California Medical Form must be used. School or agency medical forms will NOT be accepted.
- The form is valid for 3 years from the date of the physician’s signature.
- At the end of the 3 years, a new form must be completed and signed by a licensed medical examiner (not a nurse or EMT). If there are significant changes to the athlete’s health, the athlete must be re-examined by a licensed medical examiner (not a nurse or EMT).
step four
Optional Supplemental Waivers
Atlanto-Axial Instability (AAI) Special Release Form
This form should only be completed if symptoms of spinal cord compression or Atlanto-axial instability were found in a pre-participation examination and a doctor then provided clearance for participation following a neurological evaluation on page 4 of the medical form.
Emergency Medical Care Refusal Form
The Emergency Medical Care Refusal Form (formerly called the Religious Objections Form) is rarely used and should only be completed if an athlete or legal guardian does not consent to emergency medical care on religious or other grounds and has marked a box under the Emergency Care provision on the Athlete Release Form.
Adult Athlete Completion
Parent or Guardian Completion
final step

What Comes Next?
Once you’ve submitted your Special Olympics athlete application expect to hear from a dedicated representative in your area. While response times can vary depending on the time of year and ongoing events, rest assured that your application is in good hands. Our team works diligently to ensure every prospective athlete receives the attention they deserve.
Don’t have internet access to complete the forms online?
Please email to receive printed forms.