Special Olympics Southern California (SOSC)

Become an Athlete

Become an Athlete
Special Olympics athletes are children and adults with intellectual disabilities who are like other athletes – they love to train, compete and do their best, whether they win or lose.

All the programs offered in Southern California provide athletes with the chance to develop physical fitness, sports skills, social skills and self-esteem. By joining Special Olympics an athlete can meet new friends and experience great rewards in achieving the best that they can.

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Become an Athlete

Traditional Program

To be eligible to participate in a traditional program, an athlete must be at least 8 years old.

All athletes in the traditional program must be identified by an agency or professional as having one of the following conditions: intellectual disability, cognitive delays as measured by formal assessment, or significant learning or vocational problems due to cognitive delay that have required specially designed instruction.

Young Athletes

To participate in an inclusive Young Athletes session, a traditional athlete and peer partner must be between the ages of 2 and 7 years old.


Athletes must be at least 8 years old.


Young Athletes

Athletes ages 2 to 7


Schools Program


Young Athletes



Unified Sports


Special Olympics Southern California provides programs throughout the southernmost counties in California. Programs are managed by staff and volunteers and organized into the following communities: Inland Empire, Kern County, Los Angeles County North, Los Angeles County South, Orange County, San Diego County, San Luis Obispo County, Santa Barbara County, Santa Maria, and Ventura County.

To get more information on how to become an athlete and the opportunities available in your community, please complete the Online Athlete Interest Form. This will provide us with important information so we can help get you started.

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