Special Olympics Southern California (SOSC)


Bakersfield Torch Run Start 2023
2020 20th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301


Nov 18 2023


11:00 am - 1:00 pm

2023 Torch Run – Bakersfield

Hundreds of officers from local, county, state, federal, and military agencies will go above the normal call of duty and run in the 2023 Torch Run for Special Olympics Southern California. We will be running and walking  promoting acceptance and inclusion in the Bakersfield community and raising awareness and funds for the athletes of Special Olympics Southern California.

Participants that donate $25 or more will receive the 2023 Torch Run T- Shirt!

Sworn/unsworn Law Enforcement representatives, family members, athletes, and community members are all welcome to attend. This run is very causal- we have runners, walkers, wheelers, and dancers join for the ~1 mile stretch. The main goal is to raise awareness for Special Olympics athletes by carrying the Olympic torch and raising funds for local programs. Afterwards we will gather at our new office with music, dancing, food, and athlete awards

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