“My brother Joey was part of the first Special Olympics Games in Chicago in 1968. The excitement and pride that he received from that experience changed his life. He always wore his recent received medals for everyone to see and of course to congratulate him.”
-Judi Garfi-Partridge
The Larry & Helen Hoag Foundation
$25,000 – $49,999
John W. Carson Foundation
$10,000 – $24,999
Harriet H. Samuelsson Foundation
Jerome Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
Goodwin Family Memorial Trust
Schlinger Family Foundation
Target Corporation
Lockheed Martin Aero Club
The Simon-Strauss Foundation
Terrence R. and Barbara C. Caster Donor Advised Fund
Nordson Corporation
Southern California PGA
2019 Gold Medal Circle
Daniel Berdakin and Susana Alberti Family Foundation
Pilar Bahde
The Donald G. Goodwin Family Foundation
Sheila, Dave and Sherry Gold Foundation
Bascom Group
Anita Green
Tim and Cathy Redmond
Nancy K. Swanson
Richard and Kimberly Villa
Robert and Joan Blackman
The Michael Family Trust
Robert H. Clark Foundation
Edward and Sandra Tarle
The Yardi Foundation
Alexander George
John and Judy Peetz
Joan and Arnold Seidel
Daniel J. Vanderpyl
Carol A. Adamson
The Ilene Clow Foundation
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Thomas J. Eastman
John H. Grace Foundation
Todd Goldstein
Pacific Logistics Corp.
A. G. Layne, Inc.
Alain Hirsch Construction Corp.
Dann V. Angeloff
Alejandra Baumann
David & Gail Bowman
Ed Brumleu
Michael E. Cahill
John Caputo
Jay Chase
Michael L. Davidson
Joe Farrell
Brian Glennon
Donald W. Haggstrom
Tim Heinen
Bonnie Q. Herron
Gary J. Hopkins
Megan K. Jordan
Rev. Dr. Steven Kin
Latham & Watkins
Russ F. Lesser
Alan and Sandy Martin
Tom McIntyre
DJ Moore
Ana O’Brien
Bruce A. Pearson
Jim & Violette Prentice
Robert Pszyk
Sandra Ruscetti
Michael Schall
Larry Seymour
William S. Shumard
Michael J. Smith
Stephanie Thoensen
Valley of the Sun United Way
Mark Walzman
Mike Whitmore
Robert A. Wyman
Manny Abascal
Alexander S. Alacche Foundation
Joseph S. Asciutto
Jim Beaubien
Robert Braly
Amy Brutto
Joe Calabrese
Michelle Carpenter
James P. Cline
Dubois Family Charitable Fund
Michael Fleischman and Allison Funk
Richard A. Garcia
Gloria Gold
David Halberstadter Lewis Handelsman
Brad Helms
Vince H. Herron
John Jameson
Mary E. Kanoff
Robert & Charlene Kozlowski
Whit & Michele Latimer
Charles Maizland
Larry McCauley
Joanne Michael
Edward R. Muller
Rick Offsay
Rob Perrin
Maureen Price
Frank Randall
Mike Ryan
David Schindler
Shanbrom Family
Meredith Shumard
Dylan Stephenson
David Taub
Nadine E. Tilley
Ann L. Van Dormolen
Timothy Weaver
William and Gertrude Shelley Family Foundation
Dominic Yoong
Shirley Adachi
Pam and Claron Anderson
Ramiro Barba
Kirk Blower
Harriet D. Bronson
Adele Byrnes
Douglas Campion
Jennifer Castelli
Angela Collins
Nicholas G. Everett
Wayne Flick
Peter M. Gihuly
Scott A. Gregory
Bill and Kerry Bryan
Robert Henderson
Dr. Marsha Hirano-Nakanishi
JohnHart Corp
Kehl Family
Jeff & Wendy Krieger
Fred B. Leeds
Mary E. Marshall
Jerry McGee
George Mihlsten
Jane J. Netherton
Elizabeth S. Pankey
Kelly Pond
Lori Prince
Kate Rhymer
Nancy D. Satterberg
Josephine Scholl
Thomas & Cammie Shreve
Jason Silvera
Corbin D. Stevens
David B. Taylor
Paul Tosetti
Frederick E. Von Coelln
Christine Weidenheimer
The Wilson Sexton Foundation
Judy Winter
Special Olympics Southern California Champion's Society
By providing for Special Olympics in their estate and financial plans today, members of The Champion’s Society® guarantee the long-term success of Special Olympics Southern California (SOSC) and its athletes. You become part of this group when you include a gift for Special Olympics in your will or trust, by beneficiary designation, and/or charitable income gifts.
For more information on including Special Olympics Southern California in your future plans please contact Brandon Tanner via email at
Thank you to our current Champion's Society Members!
Brian Erickson
Lewis Handelsman
Tim Redmond
Brian and Lori Hanna Robertson
Ann L. Van Dormolen
William and Rita Collins
Elizabeth Frech
Gerry, Joy & Jonathon Kolesky, George Schuler & Erma Santee
Janet Rose
Toby Schoolman
Claudia & Grant Walters
Richard Davies
Jay Glicksman
Mary Leese
Jane Netherton
Fern Rudd
James Toothaker
Thank you to our current Champion's Society Members!
We would like to recognize the following individuals and families for their generous support of the athletes of Special Olympics Southern California.
Chapter-In memoriam of:
Rosemary Baldwin
Linda May Brecht
Beverly Charter
Virginia & James Dean
Ernest Feld
Andre Frenkenberg
Florence Rose Hanson
Thomas Holman, Jr.
Vivian Humbert
Lewis & Phyllis Leis
William Lewis
Nancy Martinelli
Paul & Nell Michael
Magdalene Peregrin
Herbert Posnack
Jacob Schmidt
Herbert Stockinger
Bobby & Paula Bates
Lucille A. Brughelli
Coco Family
James Dineen
Patricia Ferguson
Alfred Gerrie
Robert Gimbel & Steven Martin Gimbel
Carol Holt
Kathleen Jimenez
Katherine Lentine
Sharon Magruder
Betty Jean McConnel
Louis Mirabile
Lucia Pillard
Virginia Riddle
Betsy Smith
Robert White
Mary Boucher
Lisa Carpenter
Roma Cossairt
John Dixon
Edward Fleischman
Jaquelyn L. Green
Lois Haraughty
Tonabel Marcheta Horsfall
Milton Lear
Joseph & Elizabeth Levitt
Della May Majocchi
Geraldine McCarroll
Harry Peterzell
Gordon Piver
Constance Ripolo
Susan Stillings
Los Angeles/San Gabriel County Regions-In memoriam of:
Wilt Chamberlain
Helen Phillimarie Austin
Angus Duncan
Sherry Netherland
(Santa Monica/Westside program)
Orange County Region-In memoriam of:
Joseph & Alice David
Barbara Sager
John Villman
San Diego County-In memoriam of:
Ramona & Stewart Belote
Doris McKee
Emmett & Florence Woodward
The Dratwa Trust
Para Meyer
Gary R. Wyma
Marianne Laviano
Minnie Thomas
Santa Barbara County Region-In memoriam of:
Esther Mlynek
Vishnu Swarup
Ventura County Region-In memoriam of:
Jamie Burton
Special Olympics Southern California enriches lives, and your generosity helps to provide training, uniforms, equipment, travel and countless other resources to our athletes. The donations enhance the experience and help leave a lasting impression for those supported.

We work hard to maximize your investment. For every $1 raised on behalf of the athletes, 83 cents goes directly to program costs.
- $50 = Provide new sports equipment
- $100 = Sponsor an athlete’s training and participation in Athlete Leadership
- $500 = Sponsor an athlete for one year
- $2,500 = Meals for regional games competition
- $10,000 = Help establish or maintain a School Partnership Program for one season or sponsors one Regional Games
- $100,000 = Sponsor School Partnership Programs, serving 1,500 athletes, ages 8 through 22 for one year