Guides & Activities
Young Athletes
A wide variety of resources have been developed so that Young Athletes can be implemented in any setting. All of these resources are derived from the Activity Guide.
A Guide for Families & Caregivers
A Guide for Families and Caregivers is an overview of how to enhance the Young Athletes experience. At Home Quick Tips offer recommendations/structure for at-home use, and Flash Cards help keep things fresh and gives the young athlete an opportunity to select the activities they are most interested in doing.

Guides & Activities
Below, you will find recommended schedules/structures for each week (using the At Home Quick Tips Card), along with resources for each specific skillset. These resources include:
- Video: a brief video that shows what each of the activities should look like
- Booklet: a printable document that you can fold into a book, so that you can draw/color/fill in with your young athlete, as you review the activities, and how much fun they had:
- Card: a printable card that gives a brief overview of key activities. It can also be posted somewhere visible to serve as a reminder to play together!
- Printable Home Workout Plan: print out the recommended schedule/structure so you can have it easily accessible! Each week also has a page where you can create your schedule/structure.
- For Educators: Curriculum—printable lesson plans that can be used to implement Young Athletes as part of a structured classroom setting for each week. Summary Cards are also available that mirror the curriculum in one comprehensive document.
As you progress, a printable Activity Tracker can be used daily to show progress being made.